Sweet & Spicy
We got a bronze award at the Scottish food and retail awards! For being such a saturated market we are so proud to be nominated and received an award with over 50 judges on the panel! Thanks to the team and the family for all the hard work and support! So many people know our product, and it’s proud to say we’re from Dundee. Some big names came over to chat so we will be hopefully moving further forward ❤️❤️
Baba's Chili Sauce
Use it as a handy cooking ingredient or as a substitute for fresh chili. Chili sauce is a condiment that adds spice and flavor to anything from Asian recipes to Western favorites.

Babas Mayonnaise
Spicy Mayonnaise, Used for Burgers, Fajitas or mixing with chicken for sandwiches.
This can be used as a dipping sauce or just as a table sauce.
A sweet chilli sauce, that has an authentic recipe and taste. Created in the 70's; the traditional recipe has been passed down for generations from father to son.

Who We Are?
We are a nation of sauce lovers, so whether it is ketchup, brown, or any shade in between it seems we can't get enough of condiments to enhance or complement our favourite dishes.
In Edinburgh it is salt and sauce but in Dundee, the new sauce of choice is apparently Baba's Sauce.
It is more than 'just' another sauce, it is all handmade by myself and my mum. You won't taste anything like it, there is nothing like it out there on the market."